What's a boss lady?

You are! …well assuming you are if you have stumbled upon this page. The Boss Ladies is a community of kick ass boss ladies that love to collaborate and help each other grow their business. What started as a simple instagram account back in 2015 has grown to a community of over 6,000 members spread across the Fraser Valley and NOW a global platform providing a supportive community, online courses, printables, webinars and more.

If you are looking for your next business bestie, accountability partner, friend, or something in-between, joining us is the right step in getting there…

Connie Peters

Okay, but who is Connie?

Well, that’s a valid question. If you are already apart of our Facebook Community, I am the one that you get notifications from when I post in the group a million times a day #SorryNotSorry. 

I’ve been a Boss Lady since 2008 when I started Modern Mama Inc. which became a community for moms across Canada including live events in 12 cities, mom blogs, social media community and a magazine. I sold that business in 2019 and have been marketing consulting ever since! I specialize in social media, influencer and content marketing.

Megan Nakazawa started the Fraser Valley Boss Ladies in 2015 because she hated parallel parking, so she didn’t want to go Downtown Vancouver to meet women in business (as at the time that’s where all the women-focused networking events were.)

I am Connie, and I took over the Boss Ladies Association in the Summer of 2020!





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